As long as I am happy

"How could you say this Zenobia? Princess Charlotte is the legal wife of Prince Édouard. They both look good together," Aurora reprimanded her.

"Aurora, I did not say anything wrong. You know Prince Édouard for a long time, yet he is not with you. We all know well what happened to Prince Mathieu. Even if they are from Escana kingdom, the news spreads like fire. Charlotte was the reason that her first husband died within a month of their marriage. Do you want Prince Édouard to fall sick too?" Zenobia told Aurora that she wanted her good.

"Prince Édouard told me that he always loved one woman and that was Princess Charlotte. Now, there is no way that we both can be together," Aurora asserted.

"You can if Charlotte gets removed from your place," Livia said and looked at Zenobia. "Did your father not tell you how much the King of Escana despised the decision of Prince Édouard marrying Charlotte?" she questioned her.