Regret your decision

Charlotte was a little embarrassed to meet Aurora's gaze after she found out how Édouard got angry at her. At the breakfast table, she tried to avoid Aurora. However, her face looked so gloomy that it was tough for Charlotte to ignore it.

Édouard leaned close to Charlotte's ear and whispered, "Start your breakfast."

She hummed and saw Édouard had cut the slices of the steak already. She thanked him and heard the two kings laughing.

"It would have been great if the King of Escana has been here," Esther said and gazed at Édouard. "Is King Christian's health good?" He then asked.

"Father is well," Édouard replied. "He asked me to be the representative on his behalf," he added and put a tiny smile on his lips.

"When there were conflicts between us two kingdoms, I always saw Prince Édouard in the battlegrounds. Shouldn't the King be the one standing before his son as the protector?" Niamh asked curiously.