Held me on those dark nights

Édouard smiled to hear from Charlotte that he was as special as the jasmine flower to her. "The present you gave me will wither away," Édouard opined and took it off from above his ear. He looked at it and then at her.

"I know. But you can keep it in your personal workbook," Charlotte stated.

"You are right," Édouard said and closed his fingers. "Why do you think I am special to you?" He then asked.

"You know the answer," Charlotte replied and walked ahead.

"I would love to hear from you," he loudly said and took large steps toward her. He grasped her wrist and then intertwined his fingers with hers.

"After Mathieu died, the nights were unbearable for me. There was no one by my side to hold me. After a month, you appeared in my life like magic. You held me on those dark nights. As a kid, I believed the Jasmine fairy to be my protector at night. And now, it is you."

Charlotte's beautiful explanation left Édouard stunned.

His steps slowed down and they both stopped.