Brushed her lips [Bonus chapter]

Charlotte sat on the puffy stool to remove her jewelry. They delayed their plan to leave for Wexnon in the evening after Christian talked to Édouard. She put the earring on the dresser's surface and looked at herself in the mirror.

She had changed into a simpler and more comfortable gown earlier. She stood up and went to the bedchamber. Her headache had increased, but it was bearable for her.

When she entered the bedchamber, she found Édouard in a half-lying position on the bed. His eyes were closed.

Charlotte sat on the bottom side of the bed, opposite Édouard. When he didn't open his eyes, she wondered if he was sleeping.

She thought to cover him with the blanket. As Charlotte went close to him, her urge to touch his face grew. She gradually extended her hand out and with her pointer finger she touched his right cheek.