I have hurt you too [Bonus chapter]

The next morning, Charlotte, after bathing and dressing up, decided to remove Mathieu's and her pictures from the cupboard. The entire night she could not sleep well as she was worried thinking what would Édouard feel.

Initially, she was not attracted to Édouard and even hated being around him. However, as time passed, she understood him well. The wrong image that she carried for Édouard vanished slowly from her mind.

She put the photo frames into a wooden box and then closed it.

"Where should I throw them?" Charlotte murmured and inhaled deeply. She knew that she didn't need those old memories anymore. She should move on and also make her relationship better with Édouard.

As she stepped out of the bedchamber, she saw Édouard entering.

She halted in her way while Édouard also stopped. He looked at her in confusion and then at the box in her hands. "Why are you carrying a wooden box?" He asked and stepped up.