Confession [Bonus chapter]

Charlotte wore a maroon flared skirt and a black collar top with puffed sleeves to the forearms and fitted sleeves to her wrists. She kept her hair loose and lifted her skirt a little to the side. "How does it look at me?" She asked and gazed at Édouard.

"You look cute," Édouard asserted and put on the black overcoat.

"Would you like to go on a horse?" He asked.

"Carriage is a better choice," Charlotte said.

"Hmm. Let's go then," Édouard said and wore a hat on his head. They both left in a carriage that Rainard prepared for them.

"You should not have carried the hat. No one will notice us in the dark," Charlotte asserted.

"But we won't be roaming in a dark place," Édouard reminded her. "It is to block the views of the people when we will kiss," Édouard said with a smirk.

Charlotte chuckled. "I won't kiss you," she said with a confident tone.