More involved romantically [Bonus chapter]

"Why do you look upset?" Niamh asked his sister, who had come to see her in the evening.

Matilda, who was near the window, turned to look at Niamh. "How does my brother know that I am upset?" She asked.

"You didn't come to see me in the evening. You usually discuss the day's observation with me," Niamh asserted and took a seat on the sofa chair a meter away from the window.

"Édouard is back with his dear wife Princess Charlotte," Niamh informed her.

"I saw. Brother Niamh didn't have to tell me," Matilda said with a bit of annoyance in her tone.

"Édouard is married. You should not look at him. Focus on Prince Andrew, whom you are supposed to marry," Niamh asserted.

"I don't want to marry Prince Andrew," Matilda said and sat across from him on the other sofa chair. "Why did Prince Édouard marry the widow of his younger brother? He had many women lined up for him," she muttered and clenched her fists.