A naughty boy [Bonus chapter]

The next morning, Édouard looked at the pack of papers that his father handed to him. He put them one by one on the desk. "Why is this matter still not resolved?" Édouard lifted his head and looked at his father and brothers.

"It has already been three years since the last I visited the peasants to suppress their fits of anger," Édouard said with a disappointed look.

"The landlords are not ready to lower the taxes. Also, the nobility thinks it will reduce the revenue for us," Andrew asserted.

Édouard chuckled and asked his father if he would let him take over that matter. "I do not want nobility to treat peasants as trash," Édouard pronounced and waited for his father's decision.

"Do not anger the nobility," Christian told him, "rest you are free to do anything to bring the stabilization between peasants and the landlords."