To go Alkmeer

Charles informed Édouard that Andrew wished to see him in private.

"Prince Édouard should go and see his brother," Charlotte told him. Édouard hummed and told her that he would return soon.

"Your Grace, Prince Andrew is waiting for you in the wine cellar," Charles said. Édouard told him to stay with Charlotte before leaving to see Andrew.

Édouard entered the double vault door and saw Andrew on the counter stool with a wine glass in his hand. Hearing the mild footsteps, Andrew tilted his head and stood up to bow to Édouard.

"Thank you for coming here," Andrew said and waited for Édouard to sit down. After Édouard took a seat, he handed the glass of wine to him. "Let's have a conversation while drinking." He gestured to Édouard to hold the glass, which he did.

"I got to know Matilda had a change of heart," Andrew said, "and she told me the reason behind that as well."

"So? What do you want to know?" Édouard inquired him as he swirled the wine glass between his fingers.