His firm decision

Charlotte's eyes moved as the bright sunrays seeped through gaps between the curtains on the window. Édouard had his arm around her and their legs tangled.

Charlotte gradually opened her eyes and reminisced the moments from the last night. A smile and blush appeared on her face. She covered her face with her hands and after a while, she slowly turned to face Édouard.

He was peacefully sleeping. Her fingers grazed over his face and even traced his lips. She bit her lower lip, recalling how many times he kissed her. Those lips reached every part of her body and the redness on her cheeks deepened.

When his eyes moved in the sleep, she quickly retreated her fingers, not wanting his sleep to disturb.

Charlotte decided to bathe, but down there she was sore. She wanted to stay in the bed for the entire day and turned on her back. Her eyes gradually closed, wanting sleep to engulf her.