Your treasure

Christian himself went to see Matilda and tried to soothe her anger. When he got informed that Andrew told Matilda to leave, Christian got intimidated. Andrew forgot that Matilda disrespected the Princess of Gavaria, who could even declare war against them because of all this.

"Did Édouard return?" Christian asked Igor.

"No, Your Majesty," Igor replied while following Christian.

"It is already evening. He should have returned by now," Christian muttered. He stopped after reaching outside the chamber, where Matilda was staying.

The servant pushed the door open as Igor instructed her and Christian walked in followed by the others.

Matilda bowed to see him when Christian started apologizing to her.

"Your Majesty is making me feel embarrassed," Matilda said.

"This apology is on behalf of my son's ill behavior. He wasn't supposed to treat the Princess this way. I will punish him surely," Christian stated.