The pledge I have taken

The next morning, Matilda and Niamh left for Gavaria. Édouard looked at Andrew and asked him what happened behind his back. Christian gazed at Andrew and left for his chamber with Anneliese. His coldness was still visible in his behavior, but Andrew was least concerned about it.

"I told Matilda what she did not hear from anyone before," Andrew stated. Jemeiah also stayed with them to hear the conversation, but he remained silent.

"Do you think Matilda will stay quiet after what you said to her?" Édouard asked him.

"Father has said that she assured no such thing will happen. It is a conflict in the interests between the two personalities," Andrew replied.

"You were not supposed to take Charlotte's name in all this. You have failed to understand Matilda fully. She will not stay quiet, so be ready to take the responsibility for the consequences waiting ahead," Édouard affirmed.

"How can Prince Édouard talk this way with my son?" Beatrice intervened between them.