None of the princes know about it

The three Consorts were seated around the table and looked in Édouard's direction, who was far from them, standing with a few aristocrats surrounding him.

"The King gave the authority to Prince Édouard so easily. Did you two notice the King started to turn softer for Prince Édouard?" Beatrice muttered and gazed at Ariane.

"Did Consort Ariane say something to Charlotte yesterday?" Sarah asked.

"I did," Ariane said and clenched her fists. "Édouard is gaining strength, and he will stay here forever. We cannot let it happen. Prince Andrew and Jemeiah have as equal rights as him, but they haven't promoted to the Duke ranks yet," she muttered.

"That is not possible for our son. We were the King's mistresses who are called consorts later," Sarah said.