I will kill you, Ariane [Bonus chapter]

"Damien was the one who saved your life," Édouard said and looked at Damien, who still was present there.

"I could not save Princess Charlotte if Prince Édouard had not brought the antidote," Damien said and told them he would leave the two. He left and inform the servants outside about Charlotte's gaining consciousness.

Édouard helped Charlotte in sitting up and asked her if she wanted to drink more water, but she refused.

"I must have scared you," Charlotte said.

"Yes. I was terrified," Édouard replied.

She placed her hand on his cheek and her fingers gently moved over it. "Forgive me. I didn't know it had poison," she said. Édouard placed his hand on hers and lowered her hand from his cheek.

Charlotte realized it was morning and asked Édouard to go to work.

He amusedly gazed at her. Charlotte had no idea that she was unconscious for straight three days.

"You were unconscious for three days," Édouard informed her.