Make him pay for these tears

"I am unable to understand Prince Édouard. If His Grace allows me to find Henry, then he will win the challenge. His Majesty will have no option but to order a death penalty to Consort Ariane and Beatrice," Rainard said.

"Rainard, I have promised Damien that I will find out the truth. If Father is exposed now, then I won't be able to reach the truth for Damien. I challenged my Father so that I will lose against him. I want Ariane and Beatrice to come out of prison," Édouard explained to Rainard.

"What did His Grace promise Damien?" His forehead creased.

"He saved my wife's life. I want to give Damien what he desires the most. If I weaken my father now, I won't be able to reach the truth. Moreover, Henry will never admit that he acted on Father's order. The nobility and the aristocrats may call my acts immoral. I do not want a rebellion to happen," Édouard asserted.

Rainard didn't think that far. He apologized to Édouard for not understanding the depth of the matter.