Inflicted a lot of pain

"Édouard, why did you talk so harshly with the King? Don't you fear the King can punish you?" Charlotte questioned him.

"If Father has to punish me, then he can," Édouard said. "However, he will not do it. He knows he cannot punish me for no reason," he asserted.

"You should not do this Édouard. Why don't we solve this matter in a way where no one is harmed?" Charlotte asked while giving him a suggestion.

"Charlotte, I know what I am up to," Édouard said.

Their steps slowed down as they reached outside the chamber of his mother. "You should go in. I will come to take you later," he opined.

"Where are you going?" Charlotte asked.

"To see Damien. I have something to ask him," Édouard told her and patted her shoulder. "Zoe will be here soon. Don't eat anything before getting it checked with the servant. Understood?" He waited for her response.

"I understand," Charlotte said and walked into the chamber to spend some time with Anneliese.