My identity

Charlotte lay on the sofa after having lunch meals and placed her hands on her belly. "I ate too much," she said.

"You ate like a bird," Édouard remarked and sat at the other end of the sofa.

Charlotte beamed at him and sat up. "Did you finish your work? I thought you would be busy today. I have to finish the painting," she said.

"Isn't it over?" Édouard questioned. "I thought it was over. The painting you have drawn is so vivid," he stated.

"I have a few things to add to that," Charlotte said. "Then, you can hang the painting in your study," she added with a smile and moved closer to him on the sofa.

She rested her chin on his shoulder and continued, "Édouard, did you decide where will we go for the picnic? You know better places than I do."

"Let me think," Édouard took a brief pause. "Since it will be only for one day, so I think we should not go too far. There is a private estate, where we can go," he opined.