You are teasing me

Both Édouard and Charlotte were shocked to learn that Ariane and Beatrice would not live in the palace anymore. Édouard gazed at Charles and asked him why the King took such a decision.

"To maintain the peace in the palace. His Majesty thinks that they both should get punished by staying far from here," Charles asserted.

Charlotte glanced at Édouard. "Is it the right decision?" She asked him.

"They will enjoy life outside the palace. They attempted to take your life and Father has to do this. Well, it is better than what I've expected from him," Édouard muttered and leaned back on the sofa. He had thought of poisoning Ariane, but his father sent her away.

"Your Grace, I want to say a few words," Charles said, looking at Édouard.

"You are allowed to," Édouard stated.