Hardly anyone knows Damien

"Why have you put on this black attire?" Rainard complained to Damien, who was dressed in black from top to the bottom. "We are not going to attend anyone's funeral," he muttered and asked him to wear the appropriate clothes.

"I like black color," Damien said and asked him not to trouble him.

"We were supposed to dress like commoners, Damien. You look like a man from an elite family," Rainard pronounced.

"Just stay quiet," Damien said and descended the stairs. Rainard grabbed his arm and pulled him up.

"Go and change your dress," Rainard said.

"Édouard!" Damien pronounced. Rainard's grip loosened on his arm and he turned to look when Damien quickly ran downstairs.

Rainard twitched his lips as he realized Damien made a fool of him. He ran after him and asked him to stop. Damien saw Édouard and Charlotte, who were already present near the carriage.