Not safe at night

Édouard walked inside the tent house and checked on Charlotte. She was still sleeping and it brought a smile to his face. He removed the overcoat and hung it on the chair. He walked to the bed and sat on it.

"Charlotte, wake up," Édouard said while caressing her hair. She opened her eyes with just one call and peered at him.

"It is dinner time," Édouard said.

Charlotte sat up on the bed and rubbed her eyes. "I feel sleepy, Édouard," she said and rested her head on his chest. She yawned and asked him if they should sleep.

"First we will take our meals," Édouard replied.

"But I am sleepy," Charlotte said and wrapped her arms around him. She lifted her head to look at him. "Are you not sleepy? The bed is so warm," she said.

"I am not sleepy. I have taken enough sleep in the carriage," Édouard said and brushed the hair strands away from her forehead.