Need to fight for my husband

On the fourth day of the journey, they entered the capital of Gavaria through the pre-decided route.

"What are you looking outside?" Édouard asked.

"Just at the random things," Charlotte said. "Will we be in the palace soon?" She turned to him and waited for his response.

"It is my first time to Gavaria. Even I do not know," Édouard replied.

"I am a bit restless thinking how will the King of Gavaria react to seeing us?" Charlotte muttered, "especially Matilda. She must not be expecting me to be here," she said.

"She will burn with anger," Édouard said when the carriage came to a sudden halt.

"Why did it stop?" Charlotte murmured and looked at Édouard, who was looking out of the window. He closed the window and put on the curtain over it.

"Since we are outsiders, they are checking our identities," he informed her.

"Will we tell them our real identities?" Charlotte inquired.