Art of manipulation [Bonus chapter]

"When it comes to a daughter, the father can go to any limit to fulfill her wishes," Esther said in his deep voice. "However, I want my daughter to live like a princess only. Of course, I do not want her to marry a man who already adores his first wife more than anything," he added while stressing his words.

Édouard smiled at him.

"I am glad Prince Édouard has chosen to be here. I want him to change my daughter's mind within a week, or else, either we have to move forward with your marriage or the war," Esther said, giving the options to Édouard.

Édouard had not expected Esther to come to decision so quickly.

"Isn't Princess Charlotte coming here to change my daughter's decision?" Esther didn't either want Matilda to marry Édouard, but he was helpless before his fatherly love for his daughter.