If you truly love me [Bonus chapter]

Édouard pushed the chair back and stood up. He had already put the chalice on the table and moved away to look at her.

"If Princess Matilda's mother had been alive, she would have been ashamed of her daughter's act," Édouard stated.

The smile vanished from Matilda's lips and she asked why he was bringing her mother into their conversation.

"My father has four women as his queen and consorts. I don't like it when women have to undergo such a phase, Matilda. My decision is firm. I will not marry you," Édouard asserted. He found she had turned quiet, so he further continued.

"A mother wants the good of her child. I suppose, your mother wants the same for you. I am not the best man for you. You should stop obsessing over me, Matilda," Édouard was clear with his words. He kept his tone calm and gentle to make her understand.

"But my mother is no more. Love is blind, Édouard. I am happy to stay as your wife," Matilda stated and took a step forward toward him.