A world without you never existed [Bonus chapter]

The next morning, Édouard waited for Matilda to come and tell him the answer. However, to his wonder, Lady Bimson came and delivered to message to them.

"Princess Matilda wants to converse with Princess Charlotte," Lady Bimson said.

"It cannot happen. Lady Bimson knows the reason well." Édouard was not ready to send Charlotte to Matilda again. If an argument broke between the two, Matilda might harm Charlotte.

"Princess Matilda has said it will be a normal conversation. Princess Matilda wants to know a few answers. Prince Niamh will be in the chamber, so Princess Charlotte does not need to fear," Lady Bimson assured them.

Charlotte lifted from her seat on the sofa and told Édouard she would return soon. "Since Princess Matilda finally wants to have a conversation, so I should go," she asserted.