What if someone comes?

"I feel better now," Charlotte said after she had lunch with Édouard. She lay on the bed and saw Édouard approaching her.

"Will you not go and see your mother?" Charlotte turned to her stomach and rested her chin on her palm. Her elbow carried her body weight and she saw Édouard get into the bed.

"Not now," Édouard said and lay next to her.

"I am happy. I am finally a wife of yours in His Majesty's eyes too," Charlotte said and she rested her head on his chest.

"Seeing you happy makes me happy," Édouard said.

"Édouard, how will you find the truth regarding Damien's parents' unfortunate death? If your father finds out, it may bring problems for you," Charlotte was curious to know his plan.

"Do you want to help me?" Édouard brought his hand to her head.

"Yes. I can help you gather data. I will ask my father about it. He must have the knowledge of this incident," Charlotte asserted.