The look in his eyes

Charlotte entered the bedchamber after changing into a nightgown.

"You took time," Édouard said, who was on the bed.

"Did I make you wait long?" She asked and climbed onto the bed from the other side. Édouard covered her from the blanket and put her head on his shoulder.

"It was fun, Édouard. Everything went well at the party. I enjoyed every moment with you. And the dance we had has imprinted in my heart," Charlotte recalled every moment of the party with Édouard. She got to meet a few other close friends of Édouard about whom he had never talked about.

"I also enjoyed every moment with you." He interlaced their fingers and kissed the back of her palm.

"Jemeiah made this party special. I never knew he is such a caring younger brother," Édouard stated. "It is strange only Mathieu hated me," he murmured.