To leave the palace

Édouard was seated in front of the mirror in a comfortable loose dress while Charlotte was drying his hair. He was confused to find out that his father called Charlotte to deliver a message to him that for him, he was his eldest son.

"So, you know found out about the message last night through my Father," Édouard asked again.

Charlotte nodded at him. "The reason you didn't have a good sleep for the past two days is because you found out your parents were someone else. It must be tough for you," she said and stopped drying his hair.

Édouard turned around on the stool and hugged her tightly. "I could never see them, Charlotte. My whole life I thought my parents were the King and the Queen. The Queen Mother raised me as her son. My mind is in a mess because of so many things," he stated.

Charlotte rested her hands on the top of his head. "I understand. You should wait for the King's return and I can assure you that your father loves you a lot," she stated.