To be in comfort [Bonus chapter]

Édouard had his head rested on Charlotte's lap, and she was caressing his hair.

"I was thinking to visit their graves," Édouard suddenly said. Charlotte's fingers stopped moving in his golden hair. "I told you I saw my birth mother once in the magical fountain in Aezha. It felt so real. Had I known she was my mother, I would have hugged her tight," he asserted.

Charlotte hummed and told him when they should go.

"Tomorrow," Édouard replied.

Charlotte nodded her head. "Then, we should ask Damien to accompany us as well. He will be happy to visit both of your parents' resting places," she asserted.

"Of course. I will tell him in the evening," he replied.

"Édouard, you don't look good in this state," Charlotte stated.

"I know. I need time to get out of it," Édouard said.

"You can take a few days off from work. The pressure of the work is also tiring you. Don't you think?" Charlotte suggested to him. She was worried for him and his health.