You are a human and so am I

"It was a heartwarming breakfast with Father. Then, with Andrew, I followed Father to the court. Damien and Jemeiah were sent out for some work," Édouard said as he took a seat on the sofa across from Charlotte.

"I heard from Zoe you had breakfast with Mother. How is she? Father has some issues with her. Did you notice anything?" Édouard asked.

"I did notice a lot of things. Royal Mother isn't in a good state. However, it's her fight, Édouard. I told her and made her understand how she has to make an effort to win the King's trust," Charlotte asserted.

"I asked Father to try to understand Mother's point of view. They need to communicate with each other which will not happen unless they stay and sit together for a while without any assistance around them," Édouard stated.

"Why don't we take them out before we will head South?" Charlotte suggested to him.

Édouard liked her suggestion and asked her when they should take them out.

"You should decide," Charlotte replied.