Prince Damien will hate me [Bonus chapter]

Damien clenched his fists. He almost hit Joss when Igor stopped him and asked him not to create a commotion. Damien lowered his hand.

Joss placed his hands on Damien's shoulders and said, "Prince Damien will be my brother-in-law soon, so he should act gracefully. Like a man, he should accept me as his brother-in-law as well," Joss stated. He pulled his hands back and walked away.

Igor looked at Damien but did not say anything to him. Damien wondered if this was Suzanne's plan to marry him. He should not have trusted a Barnard family member. He was caught in their trap.

'It is just a marriage. I will consider it as nil,' Damien thought in his mind and went to his chamber.

On the other hand, Joss soon reached his home and asked the servant to call all the family members to the drawing room. The smile on his lips wasn't vanishing. He succeeded in convincing the King and solved the biggest problem of his life– the marriage of his sister to a man of high status and good values.