Whom he can torture

Leticia welcomed Damien along with both of her sons. Damien told them how the King wanted him to go, so he could not refuse the order. He sat on the central sofa of the drawing room with one leg above the other.

Igor instructed the palace servants to keep the gifts in the drawing room when Leticia asked Igor he should also take a seat.

"I will call for Suzanne," Joss said.

"Oh, that's not needed," Damien stopped him. Igor found Damien's attitude was not good toward his in-laws.

"Prince Damien shall see Suzanne once," Leticia suggested.

"Well, Mrs. Barnard, I have seen your daughter many times already. Please prepare for the wedding since I think it will happen soon," Damien asserted.

"Here, Your Highness. Please have water. Igor, you too," Joss said as gestured to the servant to serve them water.