Not as expressive as women

As the carriage came to a stop in front of the Barnard Mansion, Damien was the first to step out. Concerned for Suzanne, he carefully guided her as she placed her foot on the footplate, ensuring she didn't worsen her injury. Holding her left arm securely, he helped her down from the carriage.

"What about Spirit?" Suzanne worriedly asked about her beloved horse.

"Didn't you hear? Spirit injured his leg. I will send him back once he recovers after the treatment," Damien assured her and asked her to go inside.

"Why doesn't Prince Damien come inside? I'll be scolded if I let him leave without inviting him in," Suzanne asserted. She wanted to use Damien as her shield when her mother would scold her for getting injured.

Suzanne quickly held his arm and started walking along with him. "Mother baked some delicious cookies yesterday. Your Highness should taste them before leaving," she stated, her tone persuasive as she dragged Damien with her.