Damien's visit: Part-2

Damien went close to bed and tapped on Suzanne's shoulder. "Wake up," he said, but he didn't get any response, making him realize Suzanne was in a deep slumber.

He wandered his gaze around and got seated on the upholstered chair, waiting for Suzanne to wake up. His eyes landed on a book on the table. Taking it, Damien flipped its pages and realized it was a literature book.

"I thought she only wasted her time the entire day," Damien mumbled. He stopped at the pages, which Suzanne had folded specifically.

Unfolding them, Damien began reading what was written on those pages. He yawned since he didn't find anything interesting and placed the book in its original place. He heard a knock on the door and went toward the door.

"Madame has sent the tea and snacks," the servant informed Damien, who took the tray from her.