Prince Mathieu wanted to be the next King [Bonus chapter]

The next morning, Damien headed to see Silas. The last time when he visited the place, he found out from the owner that Silas was on a week's leave. However, the owner sent a message to Damien about Silas' return.

Damien didn't take the carriage, instead, he went on a horse. Upon reaching outside the dye shop, he pulled the reins of the horse and got down. Tying the horse with the wooden pole, Damien walked into the shop.

The owner greeted him and asked the worker to bring Silas from the storehouse.

Damien took out a pouch with a few silver coins inside it. He handed three coins to the owner, thanking him for giving out the information.

"May I know why Master called me?" Silas asked.

"Follow me," Damien told Silas, who gazed at him. The owner gestured for Silas to follow the prince, who obeyed the command.

Damien and Silas headed to the storeroom. After making sure, no one was there except them, Damien closed the door.