About my love for you

"His Majesty and I were talking yesterday about everything that happened all this time. He is trying to be a good King and a good father," Anneliese told Charlotte, who was seated across from the Queen.

Charlotte deduced that the relationship between both the King and the Queen had turned a lot better than before. "I am happy that Royal Mother is now respected by His Majesty," she pronounced, expressing her happiness.

"Édouard made it happen," Anneliese said, smiling continuously. She recalled how Christian asked her to talk to Charlotte once about having the child, so Anneliese decided to talk about it.

"Édouard and you should also think of the future. It's the time you both should have a kid together," Anneliese asserted, keeping humbleness in her tone.

"I understand, Royal Mother," Charlotte said.