Makes me feel at peace [Bonus chapter]

Damien smiled to see Charlotte as he came to see her in the evening. "Édouard isn't here," he said as he wandered his eyes around.

"Édouard is with His Majesty," Charlotte replied and asked him to take a seat. She turned her attention back to Damien and asked, "How have you been?"

"I've been well," Damien replied. "I missed you both these past few days, but I also formed some wonderful relationships within the palace," he asserted.

"What do you mean?" Charlotte was interested to know as her face lit with a smile.

"With the King, the Queen, and the other two princes," Damien asserted.

"That's great to hear. How does life feel to you now? I hope the meaning has changed for you," Charlotte pronounced, hoping for a positive response.

"You were right, Charlotte. People do understand me. They now empathize with me," Damien stated.