A part of you and me [Bonus chapter]

Édouard told Charlotte they should wait for the physician to come to confirm it. "Are you still experiencing nausea?" he inquired, placing a gentle hand above her head.

"Yes," Charlotte affirmed.

Before long, the royal physician arrived, offering apologies for the delay and extending greetings to the couple. Édouard briefed him on Charlotte's condition and questioned whether her symptoms indicated pregnancy. "We're uncertain at this point, hence the need for an examination," Édouard emphasized.

As John stepped forward, a fragrance he had used wafted toward Charlotte, provoking a repulsive reaction. She instinctively covered her mouth, fearing the onset of nausea. Édouard assisted Charlotte in making her way to the washroom.

John confirmed that Charlotte was pregnant, but he had one question to ask the Princess. As they returned to the bedchamber and Édouard helped Charlotte sit down, John decided not to go near her.