You are a liar [Bonus chapter]

"You said you would take me out," Suzanne complained to Damien, who disappeared after lunch. She even dressed in her best attire in excitement thinking she would go out with him.

"I forgot as I submerged into an important work," Damien replied and asked Giselle to bring the wine from the cellar.

"Don't bring anything for him," Suzanne ordered in anger. Giselle felt stuck between them, wondering whose order to listen.

Damien shook his head and left the chamber to bring the wine himself.

"Her Highness should not have talked that way with His Highness," Giselle said in her humble tone.

"He lied to me. I never felt that much excitement. I even wore such a beautiful dress, thinking he and I would spend some time together," Suzanne said as she settled on the couch in anger.

She removed her heels and put her feet up. "I am desperate to know him. I look like a fool. This wasn't me, Giselle. He bothers me a lot," she confessed.