Nobody knows what can happen [Bonus chapter]

Andrew looked at Jemeiah, who shared the problem he had been facing in his relationship. "Dealing with Mrs. Jane's expectations is proving to be quite a challenge, just as Brother Édouard mentioned. I'm torn between approaching Father directly or seeking Brother Édouard's counsel first," Jemeiah shared, seeking Andrew's opinion.

In response, Andrew suggested, "In my view, it would be wise to have a conversation with both Father and your Mother. Remember, Mrs. Jane emphasized her desire for assurance from the King himself. Considering your imminent departure tomorrow evening, addressing this issue promptly is crucial."

Jemeiah expressed his concern, saying, "I just hope Father will understand and support my decision." He expressed his gratitude to Andrew for lending an ear and offering advice.

"Would you like me to join you when you speak with Father?" Andrew asked, his hand gently placing the fountain pen on his desk, signaling his readiness to assist.