Drawn to her [Bonus chapter]

Tove clasped Rainard's hand gently as she rose from the ground. "Are you okay? I did warn you against running. It's just a light rain, not a torrential downpour," Rainard inquired, his expression filled with concern.

Tove inquired if he had a fondness for getting soaked in the rain. Attempting to retract her hand, she found that Rainard's grasp remained steadfast, refusing to release her.

"Did you just scold me?" Rainard inquired. What he did next caught Tove completely off guard. He effortlessly scooped her up into his arms, holding her in a bridal embrace, evoking an immediate protest from her.

"Shh, just relax," Rainard reassured, and with that, he began to stroll forward, his steady steps exuding an air of calm determination.

Amidst the enveloping darkness, Tove's senses were rendered useless, leaving her only with the sensations of touch and sound.