In your embrace [Bonus chapter]

Édouard emerged from the chamber, his gaze resting upon Rainard. "Give Damien some space. He's not in the best state of mind," Édouard advised.

"What's wrong with him? I didn't mean to upset him. I just wanted him to move beyond his past," Rainard expressed, feeling regretful about the argument with Damien.

"He's been grappling with panic attacks for a while now. I only learned about it today. Releasing his grip on the past isn't simple for Damien. And with the anniversary of our parents' passing just two days away, that might be adding to his emotional turmoil," Édouard explained as they strolled along.

"What? Prince Philip and Princess Katherine's death anniversary is in just two days!?" Rainard's heart sank as he realized the weight of his actions on Damien's already burdened heart.

"Yes, Damien confided in me about it. I had no prior knowledge either," Édouard shared.

"I'll make sure to apologize to him," Rainard determinedly stated.