I hope you find love here

"Explain me the truth then. You were away from us for three years. You chose to live in Wexnon even though you were free to come here. Those ladies didn't say anything wrong. You consider Prince Édouard's work as yours, neglecting your own life and family," Jane stated with a stern tone.

Tove observed the discussion taking a somber turn.

Jane's expression remained stern as she responded, "I don't wish to continue arguing. Just ensure you retrieve the items on the list. Tove, accompany him," she directed, her tone leaving no room for further discussion, and she exited the room.

"Let's go," Rainard said and exited the room, followed by Tove. they made their way to the carriage that would take them to the market.

During the ride, Tove kept her thoughts to herself, observing Rainard who seemed lost in his own contemplation, gazing outside as they traveled through the city. The atmosphere remained quiet, carrying the weight of their earlier conversation.