You're welcome to admire me

After they had walked a certain distance, Tove felt compelled to break the silence and asked Rainard why he had become suddenly upset.

"I think your friend didn't say anything incorrect. It's my responsibility as a servant to bear the burden and allow my master or mistress to rest," she asserted.

"Well, I don't abide by those conventions," Rainard replied. "Also, didn't you hear what he say after that?" he asked, his expressions still dark because of the anger.

Tove turned quiet and followed him quietly to the other shops to buy the remaining stuff.

"Is Young Master Rainard considering buying something for his sister?" Tove inquired when she noticed him gazing at the cloth house, renowned as one of the most upscale establishments in the capital.

"Come with me," Rainard responded, and the two entered the shop. Tove settled onto a counter stool as per Rainard's request. He placed the bag on the table and then asked the employee to show him some warm dresses suitable for women.