An unbreakable bond [Bonus chapter]

"The village exudes such tranquility, quite unlike the bustling capital. The air here feels different, refreshing," Rainard remarked as he gazed out across the expansive fields. Peasants were still diligently at work, preparing to return to their homes.

Tove expressed her concern, "You haven't even had a chance to rest. How do you plan to endure the journey back? We've only explored the surroundings of my village."

Rainard's response was filled with sincerity, "I didn't want to rest because I'll miss your company for the next few days. There's a whole marriage process to go through, and it's crucial to follow tradition. My mother insists on it, and such matters hold great significance for her."

He continued, "Furthermore, I managed to get some sleep in the carriage, so I'm not fatigued."

Tove couldn't help but admire his resilience. "I nearly forgot that you're a Knight, a warrior who doesn't succumb easily to exhaustion," she observed.