I'll miss you [Bonus chapter]

In the Council Hall's official ceremony, the three princes were granted the esteemed titles of Dukes. For Jemeiah, the decree was dispatched by a messenger to the Western Province.

As Édouard observed the bustling study room, where servants diligently packed official documents and orders bound for Wexnon, Charles brought him news. "Your Grace, Knight Rainard has arrived," Charles informed him.

Édouard swiftly turned on the heels of his long boots, a warm smile gracing his face as he greeted Rainard with a nod. "I was absent last night," he mentioned.

"Zara filled me in," Édouard beamed, embracing Rainard with genuine delight. "You've done a remarkable job persuading both your parents," he added, maintaining his hands on Rainard's shoulders as they parted.