Intoxicated [Bonus chapter]

In the late evening, Rainard escorted Édouard to their room, and upon his arrival, Charlotte was taken aback by her husband's condition. Édouard was completely inebriated and fast asleep. She joined Rainard in helping lay Édouard on the bed.

"Why is he so intoxicated?" Charlotte inquired with concern.

"Your Grace," Rainard replied, "after our polo game, Prince Édouard requested another round of drinks. It seems he was grappling with a multitude of emotions."

"I see," Charlotte responded. "Thank you for bringing him here. What about Damien and Andrew? I hope they haven't imbibed to this extent," she added, expressing her worry.

"Prince Andrew is, indeed, in a similar state. However, Prince Damien has a strong tolerance for alcohol, so he's still sober," Rainard explained.