13. There comes a proposal for Feeha

Mrs Shaiqa's family routine was as usual without any change in it. Not even weekends bring leisure time for them. This family was a busy family with no time for fun. Rarely ever they find a time of outings and picnics together. This family always follow the rule 9f minding their own business and never poking their nose in others matter. The fun for them was dining food in their own house after ordering from any fast-food restaurants.

Yes, they do plan for summer trip of one to two days to any nearby hilltop. This family loves staying at home after their respective jobs.

Though these girls plan for outing and dining out, but weekends seem so busy for them that they couldn't find a fun time.

During weekends they have to sleep, clean-up the house, prepare some snacks for weekdays, press their clothes and other such homely chaos were supposed to be done by them on weekends.

So, that was the way they spend their life.

For grocery items mostly these girls drive together to the mart. Sometimes Keeha happens to be part of group and sometimes she was not.

Aanaye and Feeha were the confirm partner of any shopping.

Mommy, asked Keeha, " I need to get some winter clothes, when are you easy to buy me?"

"Oh, I was planning the same, accompanied Feeha."

"Well girls, stop here, our budget is disturbing this month due to your semester bill, Keeha. You girls have to wait for next month, told Aanaye."

"Yes, Aanaye is right. Only a week is left for the new month. Soon we will be going for shopping."

"Okay mommy, no issue, replied the girl obediently."

The bell rang at Mrs Shaiqa' cell phone.

"Is it my phone?" Mrs Shaiqa always remained confused of her cell phone's ring.

"Yes, Mom, this is yours." Replied Feeha while passing her the phone.

"Who is it calling? asked Mrs Shaiqa.

"This is aunt on call." Replied Feeha.

"Hope things are okay at her side." Mom added.

Girls got busy in their work as mom and aunt needs an hour to talk.

Mom shuts her call and was lost in something while Aanaye and Feeha enters a room to discuss the up coming nursery's event planning with their mommy.

Mom, mom? Aanaye holded her mommy's shoulder and asked, is everything fine with aunt?"

"Yes dear, mom made a quiet reply and added further, your aunt delivered a message of her school's best friend, for me."

"Ahan, so what really that message is?" Asked Feeha.

"Dear last week on an engagement event of your cousin, she met you all girls, remember?" replied mom.

"Yes, we do that lady with long hair at that age, how can I forget her lovely hair." told Feeha.

"Yes, the same one, replied mom."

"She wants to send a marriage proposal for you Feeha. Mom added, she likes you for her son. She is your aunt's childhood friend and she knew the family very well as well."

Feeha got lost in her mind.

"Obviously dear your wish is foremost important for me. Mom said along while seeing her girl lost in thoughts."

"So Feeha, Aanaye cheerished and said, this is a good news, you should meet the guy. By the way mom why were you worried?"

"I was not dear, I was just thinking of life without you girls, mom replied."

Girls wirh their mom got sad too.

"Feeha what is your opinion?" Asked mom.

"Mom, You can see much better for us. I trust you and your love for me."

Mom got delighted with her daughter's reply but something was pinching her soul. Mom was trying to think what was it? Yes, she was worried for her elder daughter who was going to turn twenty seven by the end of the year.

She wanted a fine gentleman for her too.

"Okay girls, on this coming weekend I am going to call them here at our place for the tea, mom announced."

"Did I miss something?" said Keeha, while entering the room.

"Yes dear, you have." Aanaye replied.

"What? asked Keeha."

"Aunt's best friend is coming with her son on weekend to see you for her younger son. She met you at the event and want to make you as her daughter in law." Aanaye replied seriously to Keeha.

"No way, are you serious? How can I marry at this young age. I am a student in university. Mommy how you can do this? Don't you love me? You don't want me? I am telling you I will not marry someone." aggressively Keeha shouted.

"The decision is being taken by us unanimously baby." Said Feeha while laughing. "As you are the annoying child picked up from garbage. It is time for get rid of you."

All of them laughed.

"You are not serious, this proposal must be for Aanaye?" I know said Keeha.

"Aanaye's heart sank while mom looking at Aanaye eyes said, Soon Aanaye's prince will come, when God wanted at His best planned time. "

"Okay then for whom is that boy coming for? For Feeha?" Keeha said.

"Yes, for her mom said."

"Okay well, then do look pretty for your hero because you are ugly Aapla." said Keeha to annoy her Aapla.

It was going to change the family routine but all have to accept it happily.

Some changes are perfect for routine life.