16. Adal' s departure to Kasham city

Adal was back home after meeting Anastasia and taking her into confidence. His plan's first step was taking a see off from his family for a while so that the critical situation created by his mommy's stubbornness could get a hold and she forgets.

Everyone around Adal knew that he takes a break in a month of December from his job. This time his mommy decided with fully prepared mind for the engagement of his beloved son. Adal loved his mommy alot but only this was the weak area in his life where he runs off from his mommy too. He couldn't make excuses in this month as well.

'Why marrying someone really put me on hold', I meet girls around me who are beautiful and colourful like butterflies but I cannot hold them. After sometimes their behaviours donot impress me.' All these things were in his mind while having a coffee in his hand.'

He called his maid to ask about his luggage preparations.

She told her that Mrs Saan had guided me to prepare your bag. Everything of your need is ready Sir. She said and went away.

Adal called his Manager to ask about ticket. And he was there with tickets at his door.

Sir Miss Anastasia's flight ticket is after a week from your departure, said Tanab to Adal.

Okay fine replied Adal, Only Two security guards I am taking, you and other three guards with Ana join me after a week. I want to relax myself as a common man for a few days. Have you arranged a cottage not the hotel? Adal lifted the eyebrow while talking to Tanab in a query mood.'

Yes, Sir a cottage on the top of a hill. The Top up Cottage Sir. Their driver will be waiting at the airport to pick you up on time. And as your recommendations, this is your secret trip of work for family and others in media donot know that where you are headed towards.

Good boy Tanab. Behind me handle the situation, said Adal.

The morning seemed fresh to Tanab. This year he finally planned a trip for himself only. His driver put his luggage in the car. Adal had his breakfast with his mommy.

Mommy was worried for his son' marriage proposal but she hid her words under her tongue so that her child could have a relax mind.

Son, what about Anastasia? Mom said.

Don't worry Mommy, I had met her last night. She will spend her time with you untill I am busy and later she will join me, replied Adal.

'Ahan, that is fine. I will come to know my daughter in law closely, said Mommy.'

'Yes, mom. You could have outing together and could have food made by her. She is a good cook, said Adal.'

Okay Adal, Mr Saan took a leave for his work and wished his son a good luck. Before leaving he took Adal aside from his wife and guided his son with love.

"Son, I know the situation you are facing right now because of your mommy's stubborn behaviour. I want you to take your time and do what suits you at right time. These times and limits for work, studies and marriage are made by man himself. Then he sticks to it creating mental stress and diseases for solemnly himself. You are my mature and good boy. I stand with you, no matter what you decide. Just put keep one thing in your mind that your soulmate will attract you like a magnet. Your heart will sink and rise for that one person. Internally you will respect her, and carelessly you will care for her. Because that one is specifically chosen for your by God. Believe in your inner self and God. Take a good time and prepare yourself. And truly tell you , the life after marriage don't decrease your respect, it adds more respect and grace in your personality. You partner makes you special.

Care and respect earns more love son, remember my boy. Ans yes, I love you.

Adal replied that he loves him too.

Dad hugged his son and took a farewell.

Mommy also showed love and care for her son. She also reminded her son that she loves you.

Adal was quite happy and contented. His cell phone was ringing and he received it. On other side it was Ana. Adal didn't want to meet her as he will get late for departure. He received the call and told Ana tha mom will be waiting for you. She is here and want to talk you. Here you can have a chat with her till I finish up my breakfast.

Hello Anastasia, how are you dear? Mom had a good conversation of about 2 minutes with her.

Mom switched off the call and got attentive towards his son to get his attention.

"I hope you both will be happy together, said Adal to his Mom."

Mom said," I want your happiness and want to see you happy with family."

"You will on the right time, my sweetheart mom." Adal got up from table while saying so.

Leaving? asked Mom from Adal.

"Yes, mom. I am late."

"Have your meals on time son."Mom said and got upset.

"Don't worry I will. Adal said, take good care of yourself mom. I love you. While saying he kissed his mommy's forehead and headed towards his car.

The driver was ready.

His phone bell rang again but he didn't reply back as it was Ana on call again. Adal couldn't afford a meeting with her before leave. So he ignored the call.

Adal reached the airport. He had his boarding pass and waited for the call.

After a few minutes Adal call was there. He sat on a plane a headed towards his destination on hills.

Two of his trusted guards were there with him.

Adal covered his face with face mask so that no one could recognise him.

Adal was finally on a plane.