41. Proposal acceptance And Adal's care

At night when Adal was going through the news channel, the weather of the Kashan city was getting terrible, the weather forecast reporter told.

" The snow storms around the city will be stronger this winter. The tourist and reaidents must take better care and precautions."

Adal heard the news and switched off the channel. He went downstairs to check either Ana needs anything. Though he asked Tia and Mrs Janpi to take good care of her but Adal wasn't enough satisfied untill he himself doesn't entertain his guest well.

Ana was fine and watching the news. Adal knocked her room and Ana allowed to come in.

Ana muted the T.V to concentrate on Adal.

Adal entered and asked the injured Ana,

"Ana how are you? I just came to check either you need anything and things are fine at your end."

"I am fine Adal. Thankyou for your concern and care for me. Hopefully in tomorrow I will be able to walk properly." Ana replied Adal with love.

Well, that is really nice. Replied Adal and was to bid her goodnight but Ana tried to stop her with excuse,

"Adal did you see the news about weather of Kashan city? They say it is getting terrible and this year more snow storms and avalanches are expected."

"Yes, I have heard but it doesn't matter. It will be save here."He replied." You should don't panic and sleep properly, Goodnight."

Adal smiled and got out of the room.

Ana just thought about Adal's love and care. People think him opposite. He cares much then star especially who is at such heights of fame.

Ana thought never to leave him and try her best to be with him. She decided to give him space and time ao that he could choose her in a better way. But wanted to stay with him.

Adal has some other thoughts regarding Ana. He thought her fine lady but he didn't want a girl from showbiz. Or might be he wants. He was not assure.

Adal was busy in reading novel, and didn't know when he slept.

In the morning he got up, the weather was pleasant as usual.

"I guess the forecast machine of weather reporters got out of control. " Adal talked to himself.

Adal for last two days was bound with Ana. He was taking care of her. And dint go out anywhere.

Today, the weather is fine. I should go for skiing. It will fresh me up.

Adal called Mr Janpi and asked him to get ready for skiing today.

This news was heard by Ana of Adal leaving for skiing. Ana got ready and came to breakfast table herself.

"Ana, Do you need anything? Why you came here?" Adal asked her.

"Yes, Adal dont worry. I am fine now because of your love and care." She replied.

Tia found it total a fake gesture. She looked at her with strange eyes.

Ana further said, "Adal I am bored of staying in cottage. I am in her since I have landed here.

I want to go out for sometime. If you don't mind, Can we go somewhere?"

Adal said but what about your injury.

"I am fine now and better then ever before,"She replied.

"Okay, I am going for skiing. You can join us but you won't be allowed to ski."

Adal asked her in care.

Ana nodded her head.

After the meal they all got ready and moved towards the border of Labia and Oakland.

Mrs Anita called last night to Mrs Shaiqa to talk about Raem and Aanaye. Mrs Shaiqa asked her that she will discuss with her the next day after breakfast. In the morning both families were together on the table for breakfast. Raem also joined them.

Mrs Anita told Mrs Shaiqa that Raem's dad will join us today at dinner.

Raem was serious sitting today with Zabi. He was looking at Aanaye continuously while Aanaye was ignoring the eye contact with him.

Keeha pushed her and asked her to give him a happy gesture in return but Aanaye just remained quiet and busy with her morning meal.

Feeha also noticed that but didn't forced her sister for any reaction.

"The weather is good for skiing lesson Keeha, isn't it?" Raem asked with an adventure plan in mind.

"Yes, it is. I mean it really is." replied the girl.

"Why don't we go and enjoy then", Ibraheem suggested.

"Not a bad idea. I am with, Zabi replied while looking at Feeha for an agreement."

"What about you girls? Do you also have any plan to join us?" Asked Keeha.

"Obviously, you all are here for fun. You should go too daughters." Said Mrs Anita.

Okay, Feeha replied while looking at her man.

The weather is fine but it was in the news to be careful and cautious. Don't go far away and stay together. And if weather gets a little terrible, without any wait return back." Worried mom replied.

Mrs Anita, after ywo days I am planning to return also. I am left with few vacations to prepare for Feeha's marriage.

"Okay, but might be you plan for two daughter's marriage."She replied while looking at Aanaye and Raem.

Okay then, everyone get ready.

"Mommies will not join I guess." Asked Zabi.

"No, you people can chill. We have some plans to discuss."Mrs Anita replied.

"Okay, okay." We know said Raem.

The girls and boys got to their rooms to get themselves and their necessary stuff ready.

"Aanaye Apla you dint look and reply Raem. You ignored him." Said Keeha.

"Don't force her for that. She will reply when she will feel okay. " Feeha replied in a concern.

Everyone was in the jeep. Ready to go towards the mountains near the border of Oakland and Labia.

"Where are we going? "Asked Ibraheem.

"Near the border mountains", replied Raem.

"Will it be safe there?I mean border fights and weather." Aanaye asked suddenly from Raem.

"Yes. And I am by your side. And weather is fine their that is why we are heading there." Raem replied, "Mountains there are deep."

"Avalanches then, she asked again."

"Hopefully no. replied Raem."

They all reached their destination while 12 in the noon.

"The skiing is less as compared to usual crowd. Zabi thought and told Raem quietly. We have to be careful. They all are new riders."

Raem replied in no worry brother gesture.

They all got ready. The trainers alarmed them to stay at one side and not to get crazy while skiing. They also guided to be careful of the border and deep mountains.

The precautions were heard by the boys.

They started skiing but stayed closer.

Raem wanted to teach Aanaye and get her closer to him. So, he offered Aanaye to help her, which was accepted by her because she promised to like him.