44. Trying to bear her questions

Adal after a little search bought Aanaye's bag. It was really freezing out there. He couldn't withstand the cold wind. So after finding the bag, he rushed towardd the cave that was much better then outside.

Aanaye was sitting beside fire with scared heart and her eyes were stuck on the entrance of the cave. She wanted to see him at all cost as soon as possible.

The girl couldn't think of loosing him.

Soon after fifteen minutes his face appeared.

"Thanks God, You are back finally", the girl said while taking a deep breathe.

"What do you mean by that Ma'm? Where would I go? He replied with surprise at silly answer of a girl." "Anyways here take your bag and get your cell phone."

"And keep sitting near fire it is cold outside."

Aanaye didn't respond much and just took the bag. She searched for her cell phone and finally it was in her hand.

"Awww, I think it got hurt too, It is powered off." Aanaye replied.

She tried to switch it on and after one or two tries it got on.

Adal was just looking at Aanaye.

"Aah ... it is on now. Thanks God." She replied.

"Good, said Adal."

"But ... She paused for asecond until assurance."

It has no network. She got up to capture any signal but fell because of feeling dizzy. Adal was nearby, he caught her before falling. Aanaye hurriedly got out of his hands.

"Ma'm, don't you have patience. Wait for sometime until the weather is stable. Look outside the weather is getting cruel. Your condition is not stable even. Regain your conscious and strength first then you can find them.He asked the girl."

"How can I get stable? I am far from my country, my land my mom and my siblings. My mom must be crying. I don't know what her condition could be now. I want to contact them at any cost." She said him sadly.

"Fine then, do what you want." Adal got annoyed of her desperation.

Adal didn't even think of himself and was only busy in girl's situation. He forgot that he is also facing the same trouble as the girl was.

Adal thought to himself ... "What kind of girl is she? A famous star had rescued her, lit fire for her and taking care of her like in a movie but she pays no attention to it. And saying me either she is in hell with me. Am I a bad hero in her views."

Aanaye after a while tried to relax herself.

"After few minutes, she thought of what Keeha asked her about Adal Kay. I asked God for a perfect hero in my life and Keeha cursed me of meeting Adal at Kashan city. Oh, it came true. Why did she say so? He posses a bad character too. Lots of affairs and girlfriends. What if he tried to take advantage of me. All alone and weak girl,"

Unconsciously while lost in her thoughts, she loudly said out "NO WAY NO."

"Sorry what?" Adal looked at her strange behaviour.

Aanaye got embarrassed for a moment and said in a slow note "Nothing."

Aanaye felt insecured but tried to be strong infront of him. She was looking at him with an eagle eyes.

"What facial gestures is she trying to show me. She is not realizing the situation in which we are stuck and considering me as her enemy, who dug her out and saved her. Totally a mad girl."

"But I have to bear her untill I find a way out."

The girl was shivering with cold and getting pale even more.

"Ma'm just get here closer,"He said her.

"No, I am fine here. Aanaye tried to stay away from him."

"Don't be scared of me. I won't hurt you trust me. You are not Okay."

Adal asked the girl while putting more woods and making more fire.

Aanaye was dizzy now and laid down on the ground, half fainted.

"Aaaufff sensitive girls, and this one is stubborn and sensitive girl, I have ever met, said Adal."

He got closer to her. Put her head in his lap. He was rubbing her face and hands, trying to get her warm. The weather was extremely cold. He was trying his best to keep her warm side by he was making more fire.

Adal's night passed in taking care of the girl. He was himself fallling because of tiredness and sleep.

The time passed and Adal slept with girl's head in his lap and back touching the cave wall.

The light was coming inside the cave and the fire got off. Adal started shivering and Aanaye got up because of his shivering. She found herself in her lap and hands in his hands. She woke up and sat straight while getting her hands out of his hands. But Adal didn't get up.

Aanaye noticed him shivering and cold. She got in panic and disturbed after seeing him.

She slowly got closer to him and touched his face. "Adal Kay, Mr Adal Kay?"she said while clearing her voice.

He didn't respond

"Adal Kay, wake up please", fear of loosing him she called him again.

Adal opened his eyes a little. Aanaye touched his face and asked him, "Are you okay?"

"No, I am feeling cold." He replied slowly.

Aanaye searched around for the collected woods of Adal. She gathered them all and tried to search for his fire lighter. She found a lighter and lit the woods.

She tried to make him warm.

Atlast he woke up, and looked at her.

"I am fine. Thanyou". Said Adal.